(NEW) Beyond Constructed Stories (Talk)
Talk by Hareesh Wallis
Leading with a dream he once had, Hareesh explores the fear of being stripped bare of all stories and points out that ultimately our liberation will involve something similar. What is false will burn away and what is true will remain. Poems that challenge the mind are read. And Hareesh explores the concepts we have that take over our feeling of reality taking examples from brain science. In the move towards and unmediated experience that even the “stories” of religion cannot touch, we are encouraged to hold a skepticism about the commentator and profound trust in the unknown. The discussion is woven with Hareesh reading poems and touches on “stories” and loving in relationships.
Topics Covered: Hareesh’s dream of comet in the sky, heart of the universe, love of truth, faith, right brain, left brain, commentator, stories, religion, effective pointers, self-love, relationships